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The Berlin Wall (A brief history)
The Berlin Wall was a geopolitical fact in our world's history in response to the rising conflict between East and West Germany during the Cold War. The Wall was physically erected by the communist East Germans in 1961 and was reinforced, perpetuated, and heavily guarded by those who would shoot to kill anyone trying to cross it for any reason. The Wall separated East and West Germany in the heart of Berlin, and although the "building" of the Wall did not occur over night, the first production did happen under the cover of darkness while much of the country was sleeping in the night hours of August 12, 1961, with physical production mainly occurring in the early morning hours of Sunday, August 13, 1961, also known as "Barbed Wire Sunday".
The Wall separated the world into ideologies involving politics and religion. But more than that, it separated families, lovers, and friends. Many never saw their loved ones again; Some were killed or died trying. It was not until 1987, that the President of the United States, Ronald Reagan (R), challenged Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to "Tear down this wall". The Wall was opened, then tore down, finally, on November 9, 1989, after nearly three decades under the repressive communism of East Germany.
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